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Trim/Remove first or last character in Javascript

While using C#, if you want to remove the first character or the last character then you can simply use one of the following lines of code:

//Trim start
string trimmed = str.TrimStart('?', '.', ',');

//Trim End
string trimmed1 = str.TrimEnd('?', '.', ',');

//Trim start single character
string trimsingle = str.TrimStart('?');

Javascript’s trim method doesn’t accept any paramters. To do the same in Javascript, use the following methods:

Remove the first character

//Trim start
var myString = '!thisIsMyString';
var sillyString = myString.substr(1);

Remove the last character

//Trim end
var myString = 'thisIsMyString!';
var sillyString = myString.slice(0, -1);

Remove the first character and last character

//Trim start and end
var myString = '!thisIsMyString!';
var sillyString = myString.substr(1).slice(0, -1);

You can do the same in typescript, as typescript is the same as javascript with some additional features.

Learnt and shamelessly copied some code from Removing A Character From The Start/End of a String In Javascript

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